David Harrell A Little Potato and Hard to Peel

Program Type Performance
Art Form Theatre
Curriculum/a Character Education | Social and Emotional Learning
Target Grades Elementary School (1st - 5th grade) | Middle School (6th - 8th grade)
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Through his words from his play “A Little Potato and Hard to Peel,” and his genuine conversation with members of the audience, it was clear that David’s message that we not be defined by our limitations comes from his heart. He is a wonderful advocate, not only for people with disabilities, but for anyone who has ever been made to feel “different.”

-Mary A. Coe, Fairfield Public Library, Fairfield, CT


A Little Potato and Hard to Peel is a universal story…that is, a universal story about a not so ordinary life. In his warm, smart, and engaging autobiographical solo show, David Harrell delivers a hilarious and insightful look at living with a disability. Through his journey we learn to not let ourselves be defined by our own limitations or let the circumstances of our lives peel away the core of our humanity.


1. Students will gain awareness of disability by seeing an artist with a physical disability perform.

2. Students will learn the importance of accepting and including others.

3. Students will learn the importance of accepting the differences that make us who we are.

4. Students will learn about adaptive devices that assist people with disabilities.

5. Students will engage in Question and Answer Session after the performance.

Pricing Information

$810 single
$1,325 back to back


Program Length

45 minute program


250 participants

Technical Specifications

In Person: 4 folding chairs, access to a sound system (David will use his own microphone to connect via XLR connection.) David arrives 45 minutes prior to the 1st performance to set up.

The Virtual performances will be available to stream through several different platforms. Zoom, Google Meet, YouTube, etc. I will need assistance from the school in making sure students remain muted during the performance. I will be able to take live questions once the performance is over.