Lou Del Bianco Abraham Lincoln: From Rail-splitter to President

Program Type Performance
Art Form Literary Arts & Storytelling
Curriculum/a Character Education | Social Studies
Target Grades Elementary School (1st - 5th grade) | Middle School (6th - 8th grade) | High School (9th - 12th grade) | Young Adult (18 - 21 years old) | Family
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"I strongly recommend Mr. Del Bianco's Abraham Lincoln program. His teaching style, artistic craft will inspire students and teachers in all educational settings. He is a true mentor and gifted musician."

Meg Harrigan, Fine Arts Co-ordinator, Rotella Interdistrict Magnet School


Endorsed by the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission! In this interactive, dramatic program, actor-storyteller Lou Del Bianco portrays Abraham Lincoln as Civil War President, frontiersman and storyteller. Lincoln’s values…honesty, education, equity, inclusion, social justice and perseverance shine through this dynamic new presentation. Authentic historical quotations are used throughout; (handouts available). Gettysburg Address for older students. VIRTUAL PROGRAM AVAILABLE!


1. Students will hear and participate in the telling of anecdotes from Abe’s childhood. Each anecdote highlights a quality that contributed to Abe’s successful rise to the Presidency. Students will get the chance to decide how these qualities apply to their own lives.

2. Students will hear many of Abe’s own words through Lou’s dramatic portrayal. These words provide a living example of Abe’s character and his pursuit of equity and social justice for all. Students will also understand how he dealt with challenges throughout his life.

3. Students will hear and participate in actual historic speeches made by Abe during his Legislative and Presidential careers.

4. Students will engage in a question and answer session with actor Lou Del Bianco at the end of the show.

Pricing Information

Virtual: $590

In person:
$955 single program
Back to back $1400


Program Length

Approximately 45 min.



Technical Specifications

As a live program, I only need a chair and a sink and mirror to apply my beard. I will supply a small sound system. I need a 12' by 12' performance space.

For a virtual program, I have no technical needs. I will work on any platform. (e.g. ZOOM)