Talking Hands Theatre Fairies of the Seasons

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Program Type Performance
Art Form Theatre
Curriculum/a STEM | Environmental Awareness
Target Grades Elementary School (1st - 5th grade) | Early Childhood (PreK-K)
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I wanted to thank you for a perfectly wonderful puppet show. It was magical - the kids loved it! Everyone was so engaged, and the time passed very quickly. It was awesome how you incorporated movement and song, all the while encouraging group participation.
Heidi Smith Hyde, Temple Israel of Boston


In this magical show, set on a handmade dress that twirls to show how a tree changes as the year turns, each season has its own fairy that takes care of changing the natural world accordingly. That is, until a grumpy gnome decides to rearrange all the season fairies so things will stay the same all year round! Beautiful handmade fairy puppets and hand-felted animals invite young children to move, sing, and help the fairies of each season as they try find their way back.


• to familiarize children with the qualities of each season
• to present information about the cycle of a tree through the year in a memorable, fun way
• to engage the audience in a positive, joyful experience of singing, moving, and participating in a performance

Pricing Information

$1030 for One Performance
$515 for additional shows in the same space


Program Length

30 Minutes


Up tp 60

Technical Specifications

30 minutes set-up time
Access to power