Monica Peterson Leprechauns and Giants

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Program Type Performance
Art Form Literary Arts & Storytelling
Curriculum/a Character Education | Language Arts / Literacy
Target Grades Elementary School (1st - 5th grade) | Family
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"At a March Into Literacy Month event Monica Peterson dazzled students with Celtic and American period attire, an array of accents, a variety of voices, and fun audience interaction with quite an interesting collection of characters from Celtic folklore - leprechauns, fairies & giants. Monica captivated our kids during the story with props, puppetry and pictures. A playful probing of the audience allowed them to engage with the story on a more personal level. Our students certainly gained new perspective on how fun stories can be. They had the opportunity to engage with fun characters, and explore new places through text. This storytelling experience sparked ideas of ways to be more involved at home with reading. Our kids had a barrel of laughs with the silly shenanigans of the Leprechauns."

Bryanna Mead Parent Liaison at F.J Kingsbury Elementary


Perfect for St. Patrick's Day (or teacher's retirement dinner), storyteller Monica Peterson brings the history, humor, and magic of Ireland to life. Dressed in costume and featuring photos and artifacts that complement the stories, Monica offers separate programs for adults and children.

Children will laugh at:
•the antics of leprechauns
•a baker who outwits the fairies
•a mother who rescues her baby from fairyland

Adults will thrill to:
•the haunting tale of a teacher who saves her student from a giant
•the true story of an Irish pirate queen
•an Irish-American veteran whose gift of blarney saves his life


Audiences will gain an appreciation of the folkloric tradition of Ireland. In addition, students will encounter new vocabulary and work through character questions of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Pricing Information

$440 single performance
$810 back to back performances


Program Length

45-60 minutes


any number 5-200

Technical Specifications

1. a microphone if the audience is larger than 50 (only for in person performances)
2. a card table or standard sized table (only for in person performances)